Privacy Policy/Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy for Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC

Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC is committed to ensuring the protection and privacy of your personal data. We adhere to the principles of transparency outlined in The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, demonstrating our commitment to openness about our tracking methods and the use of visitors’ personal information. Below is an overview of the data we collect and how it is utilized:

Information We Collect:

  1. Your name and surname
  2. Your email address
  3. Your physical address
  4. Your phone number
  5. Data about the browser and device you use to access our services
  6. Information regarding your navigation through our platform

We collect your contact details to facilitate order acceptance, processing, and shipment delivery. Technical details about your equipment and on-site behavior are gathered to enhance the user-friendliness of our platform and customize our services, such as automatically switching to the mobile version.

CUSTOMER MOBILE INFORMATION: We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. We do not share consumer mobile information with third parties or affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.

Data Sharing:

We collaborate with external entities to provide optimal services. These third parties may access limited personal details necessary to fulfill their obligations:

  1. Payment services use your credit card number, name, and surname for payment verification and processing.
  2. Manufacturers and stock keepers use order data to prepare the required packages.
  3. Postal services utilize your first name, last name, and physical address for product delivery.
  4. Mass mailing services use your email address to send subscribed emails.

By continuing to use our website, you implicitly consent to the use of your personal details for the specified purposes. If you disagree with these terms, kindly exit the website.

Your Rights:

You can contact us at to:

  1. Receive a copy of the personal details we have collected.
  2. Request the deletion of your personal details from our system.
  3. Withdraw your consent if you previously agreed to provide us with data but have changed your mind.

We are committed to safeguarding the security of your personal information throughout its retention and usage.

Thank you for choosing Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Service
Application Statement:

The following Terms and Conditions of Service apply to Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC (“BROKER”) and any shipper (“SHIPPER”) utilizing the services of Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC, unless SHIPPER has a prior written and countersigned agreement with Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC, in which case that agreement supersedes and controls in case of conflict. For all other shippers, these Terms and Conditions prevail. The use of the website and/or any communication with an email address at that domain, and/or the booking of any transportation services with BROKER demonstrates acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

In consideration of the mutual covenants herein, SHIPPER engages BROKER, and BROKER agrees to perform the services described herein, under the following conditions:


BROKER is a transportation broker, as defined by 49 U.S.C. §13102(2), facilitating the transportation of various goods on behalf of its shipper-clients.
SHIPPER is a corporation or limited liability company seeking a transportation broker’s assistance in locating motor carriers to transport SHIPPER’s goods.
SHIPPER certifies its authority to bind the goods and any owner or beneficial owner to these terms and the terms of any underlying motor carrier to whom the cargo is tendered.
BROKER is not a licensed customs broker and does not provide customs clearance services directly. If BROKER assists in obtaining customs brokerage services, it does so as an intermediary, using the services of a customs broker at SHIPPER’s request.
BROKER is not a licensed or authorized insurance company or insurance agency. Upon SHIPPER’s request, BROKER may assist as an intermediary in obtaining insurance coverage from a duly licensed and authorized insurance seller or re-seller.

BROKER is a licensed property broker with the U.S. Department of Transportation.
BROKER arranges transportation services for SHIPPER but does not physically handle, consolidate, possess, or exercise control over the loads it brokers.
BROKER agrees to provide SHIPPER with transportation services, including locating, hiring, qualifying, rate negotiation, and tendering a carrier to perform the actual carriage of SHIPPER’S goods at BROKER’s direction.
Qualifying a carrier involves obtaining a certificate of insurance from the carrier, showing at least the statutory minimum required for valid authority and confirming valid motor carrier authority.
SHIPPER acknowledges that BROKER is not a motor carrier and will not take actual possession, custody, or control over the shipments arranged for on SHIPPER’S behalf.
BROKER will only use carriers that have demonstrated their qualification by providing proof of operating authority and cargo insurance coverage, as shown by a declaration page with active coverage. BROKER does not guarantee specific coverages or exclusions.
BROKER is responsible for invoicing and collecting freight charges from SHIPPER. Carriers used by BROKER expressly waive any rights to collect directly from SHIPPER, consignor, or consignee.
BROKER agrees to pay CARRIER’s freight charges on behalf of SHIPPER and invoice SHIPPER directly for payment of said freight charges.
BROKER’s invoice, upon written request from SHIPPER, will be accompanied by a copy of the bill of lading.
Upon written request, if SHIPPER disapproves of a particular carrier, BROKER will cease using that carrier on BROKER’s loads or seek a waiver of said bar prior to transport.

SHIPPER shall provide a full description of the goods, accurate information about the origin and destination, and all necessary information to complete the transportation of the shipment.
BROKER’s standard payment terms require cash payment in advance. If BROKER extends credit, SHIPPER shall pay the invoiced amount within fifteen (15) days of the invoice date. Late payments will incur a fifteen percent (15%) late payment fee, eighteen percent (18%) interest, and any attorneys’ fees or collection fees incurred by BROKER.
Credit card payments will be subject to a convenience fee of 3.5%.
SHIPPER agrees to be bound by additional charges, including equipment repair, accessorial charges, waiting times, or delays caused by SHIPPER.
Claims will be filed and resolved in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 370. While BROKER may assist SHIPPER with claims, all claims must be made against the carrier, not BROKER. BROKER bears no liability for loss, damage, or delay to any shipment arranged for SHIPPER. Liabilities and burdens of proof against the carrier are governed by federal law and 49 U.S.C. § 14706. Overcharge, duplicate payments, and over collection claims will be resolved in accordance with 49 CFR Part 378.

Rates in rate confirmations or quotations are designed to meet the distinct needs of the parties to these Terms and Conditions. Each shipment should be accompanied by a rate confirmation or quotation expressly subject to these Terms and Conditions.
It is SHIPPER’s duty to inquire directly with any carrier tendered about applicable rules or tariffs and their impact on liability, claims, or other duties and rights between SHIPPER and the carrier. BROKER only arranges for a carrier to perform the requested carriage at an agreed-upon rate.

BROKER may submit invoices electronically, and SHIPPER agrees to receive invoices electronically. SHIPPER may transfer funds electronically to the bank designated by BROKER.
Both BROKER and SHIPPER agree to make best efforts to utilize electronic invoicing and payment systems.

BROKER, as a licensed property broker, has no legal liability for loss, damage, or delay in the transportation of SHIPPER’s property. BROKER’s liability is extinguished by tendering a qualified carrier to the location designated by SHIPPER for pickup.
Claims for loss, damage, or delay are to be made directly with the motor carrier. BROKER will provide necessary information and documentation to assist SHIPPER in handling such a claim, but it does not create liability for BROKER or waive any portion of these Terms and Conditions.
Regardless, BROKER’s maximum liability for any cause to any person or party is limited to $50.00 per shipment.

All bills of lading, delivery receipts, or other transportation documentation, aside from estimates, quotes, and rate confirmations exchanged directly between SHIPPER and BROKER, are the sole responsibility of SHIPPER and do not bind BROKER.
SHIPPER’s designation of BROKER on any bills of lading or delivery receipts is for informational purposes only and does not modify these Terms and Conditions. Representations made by the motor carrier do not bind BROKER.
Upon request, BROKER will provide copies of delivery receipts and bills of lading from the carrier, where SHIPPER has instructed the carrier to retain copies of such documentation or have them executed by the consignee.
The terms and conditions of any freight documentation used by SHIPPER and/or the motor carrier selected by BROKER do not supplement, alter, or modify these Terms and Conditions. In case of conflicts, these Terms and Conditions prevail.

SHIPPER agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BROKER, its partners, affiliates, officers, directors, attorneys, agents, insurers, and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, judgments, losses, damages, expenses, costs, penalties, and fines arising from SHIPPER’s negligent acts or omissions, related to tendering hazardous materials or improper packaging, loading, or latent defects in goods for carriage.
BROKER and SHIPPER shall indemnify each other from liabilities, obligations, losses, damage, penalties, claims, actions, suits, costs, charges, and expenses resulting from their respective obligations. This indemnification is applicable to the extent such liabilities are attributable to the sole negligence of either BROKER or SHIPPER.

SHIPPER agrees to comply with all laws and regulations concerning the transportation of hazardous materials as defined in 49 CFR §172.800 and §173 et seq. SHIPPER will not tender any hazardous materials for shipment, but if done in error, SHIPPER must inform BROKER immediately.

Neither party is liable for failure to perform obligations under these Terms and Conditions due to events such as fire, flood, natural disaster, war, embargo, riot, civil disobedience, government intervention, or any other cause beyond reasonable control, provided the party uses its best efforts to perform and provides reasonable notice to the other party.

BROKER shall require carriers to provide a declaration page or pages evidencing insurance coverage, including cargo liability, automobile liability, and comprehensive general liability.
SHIPPER is responsible for ensuring that obtained coverages meet its needs.
BROKER is not an insurer of shipments and is not liable for the failure of a motor carrier’s insurance policy to pay claims. BROKER requires carriers to have coverage in place before assigning them to any loads.
BROKER is not required to obtain full copies of carriers’ insurance policies, and its liability is limited to the information appearing on the declaration page. SHIPPER is responsible for investigating policies and exclusions.

Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC does not hold a customs brokerage license or directly perform customs brokerage services. It acts as a transportation intermediary and arranges customs brokerage services with a duly licensed customs broker upon SHIPPER’s request.

Haul Carrier Logistics, LLC (“BROKER”) may assist customers in filing claims with motor carriers, and motor carriers are required to acknowledge receipt of a claim within thirty (30) days of receiving it from either BROKER or SHIPPER. All claims must be filed with the carrier within 9 months of delivery or the anticipated delivery date of an undelivered shipment, as per 49 U.S.C. §14706(e). The filing, processing, and disposition of cargo claims shall adhere to 49 C.F.R. §370 et seq., except as modified herein. BROKER’s assistance in the claims process does not alter the liability outlined in this agreement.


SHIPPER may not disclose specific quotations, estimates, or rate confirmations to a third party without written consent, except as required by law, disclosed to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate company, or for rating/auditing by an authorized agent who agrees to keep the terms confidential. SHIPPER agrees not to solicit services directly from carriers tendered by BROKER and not to disclose the agreement terms or rates to any third party unless required by law.


BROKER and SHIPPER affirm that they are the only parties to this Agreement, and neither intends for any third party to benefit specifically from these Terms and Conditions or related services.


Failure to insist on performance or to exercise any right or privilege, or the waiver of any breach, shall not be construed as waiving any terms, conditions, provisions, rights, or privileges. The terms remain in full force and effect.


Regardless of conflicts of law principles, these Terms and Conditions are governed by federal law or, otherwise, Florida law. Venue is in Seminole County, Florida. SHIPPER asserts that it conducts business in Seminole County, Florida, and is subject to the personal jurisdiction of Seminole County Courts. In any litigation arising from or related to a breach of these Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall be awarded reasonable attorney fees and court costs.


If any provision is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, it shall be fully severable from the remaining provisions without affecting their validity. In lieu of an illegal provision, a similar legal provision shall be substituted.


This Agreement, along with executed quotations, estimates, or rate confirmations, constitutes the entire understanding between BROKER and SHIPPER. There are no other agreements, understandings, conditions, warranties, or representations, oral or implied, regarding the subject matter. In case of conflict, these Terms and Conditions supersede any other document related to arranging or transporting goods.